Monday 6 June 2011

Preemptive Pants Launch.

Gudday all, I'm james and this is my blog, preemptive pants- Tales from an unpublished fool. Basically what I'm going to be doing is posting bits and pieces of stuff I've written and putting them up for the world to see. Anyone who is interested should comment and tell me how much I suck :) cheers.

Oh, and the first thing I'm putting up is a poem- or what I have so far.

Ode- To Phillip Geoghegan

On less peculier terms to thee I darn't share my plight,
Though whilst my hand, with aired perfection mirrors golden clouds,
Still the echoes of those fallen rule my haunted nights,
And in the black that lurks in coma's depths forever they do shroud.

The souls of dire men screech sonnets to my crippled ears,
whilst deaf I scramble to scorch the earth, with some blackened sooted mark.
As I look upon the Mountains braved, I quest against my fears
To forge the eternal echo of my soul, and briefly flee the dark.

"No!" they shall exclaim against the massacre I've strewn,
But in a world where ambition's death has passed, only monsters thrive.
Much like the sun lit sky hides away the moon,
The blanket that sheilds our words from end we could never hope survive.

Faded flags of death lay wait for thee, strewn atop the mountains ark,
As to reach upon an untouched peak brings glee for the slipping grip of life.
Yet there is no glory in my soot-weaved blackened mark,
As all but mountain flags, are lost within the dark.

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